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Living on Campus

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Around 5,000 students live on campus — about 50 percent of TCU’s undergraduate population.

Students under the age of 21 who are entering TCU as a first-year student and do not live at home with their family are required to live on campus the first two years of attendance at TCU.  On-campus housing for transfer students is optional and extremely limited, and in some cases, not accommodated.

TCU Campus Police manage security 24 hours a day and are fully qualified law enforcement officers licensed by the State of Texas.

Campus Police can be reached during an emergency by calling extension 7777 on campus. Lighted emergency phones are located around campus and provide one-touch access to the Campus Police dispatcher.

View campus security statistics.

Yes, although many students find that they use their cars rarely. Student parking permits are $75. For more information on campus parking regulations, visit the TCU Police site.